Category: Feelings & Thoughts
Just my lil' rants for today...
- If you act strange then I ask you "What's wrong?" and you answer "Nothing" or "I'm just tired." or "I'm busy"; then I will act like there's nothing wrong or you're just tired or you're busy. I know you're lying, but it's just not worth the hassle. I'm not a mind-reader. Say what you want.
- The beginning of a relationship is about getting to know each other; not to probe everything about each other. There is a boundary and if I don't let you in just yet, don't push.
- I said yes yesterday. I said yes 2 days ago. If I say no today, it's not about playing hard to get. It's just a no. And no, I don't have to justify nor explain anything to you on why I say no today.
- I'm going overseas next month, for a 3-day vacation. If I refuse to tell you where, it's not because I don't trust you. My destination for a vacation is not a big secret anyway. It's just that we've just known each other for a month, and I don't feel comfortable having to report to you about everything. Not yet.
- If sometimes I don't pick up the phone, it's because I don't feel like picking up the phone. I do that from time to time especially when I'm dead tired; with anyone. Don't take it personally.
- Privacy is very important to me. In the next stages of a relationship, I'll open up more and more. For a time being, please don't ask for more.
- I don't get sulky when you don't answer my questions. Don't get sulky when I do the same. It's not about getting even. It's just I'm not willing to answer just yet.
- They say guys dislike clingy, needy, whiny partners. Well, so do I.
- I don't ask about your exes. Don't ask about mine.
- We've only been getting to know each other for less than a month. Just chill out and enjoy whatever we're having right now, OK.
Perhaps that's why I'm still single... But at least I stay true to myself.
appreciate ur truths, swr ;)
BalasHapusThanks Alice. :)