Because LIFE, my friend, is simply full with pleasures waiting on every corner...
1. Waking up to the alarm clock on a cold, grey morning, then realize it’s a holiday and you can go back to sleep. Yayy!!!
2. Eating up a whole box of chocolate all by yourself without feeling guilty. *yum...*

3. A G-RRR-E-A-T kiss with a man you like.

4. Wearing pretty silk lingerie under ordinary clothes for no particular reason, just because it looks good and feels good. Being feminine is simply delightful!

5. Snuggling under a soft, thick, fluffy, comfy bedcover on a freshly-laundered 365-thread cotton sheets.
6. Watching a spectacular sunset from your office window.
7. A beautiful late afternoon rainbow after a day of pouring rain.

8. Hanging out at Starbucks on a Friday night with your close girl friends.
10. Sauntering a big, cheerful toy store with a funny friend.
12. Savoring the moment when the lights go dark and the show is about to begin. Any kind of shows: Broadway in New York, ballet at TIM, opera at Gedung Kesenian Jakarta, Sendratari Ramayana at Prambanan...
12. Savoring the moment when the lights go dark and the show is about to begin. Any kind of shows: Broadway in New York, ballet at TIM, opera at Gedung Kesenian Jakarta, Sendratari Ramayana at Prambanan...
Akhir kata:
PS: Tulisan ini saya buat beberapa bulan yang lalu. Tadinya mau saya terjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia, tapi koq jadi kurang pas. Akhirnya saya biarkan seperti aslinya. I hope you enjoy it! :)
ketika aya masih single juga saya suka memberikan hadiah kepada diri saya sendiri, jaman kuliah...kalo sudah gajian (dari proyek kerja bakti) saya suka jalan sendiri, naik angkot dari ujung terminal ke terminal satu, masuk ke rumah makan mewah tanpa khawatir duit kurang (karena cuman sendiri), masuk ke salon khusus anak training centernya (lumayan 50%), masuk ke body shop sekedar coba tester oceanus kesukaanku :)
BalasHapushow easy to make our life beautiful (dan gak perlu bayar mahal untuk bahagia)
Setuju! Perempuan kalo masuk toko yang lucu2 semacam Body Shop memang udah seneng sendiri biarpun gak beli apa2, hehehe...